Getting yourself OUT OF STUCK mode requires a few things to align:
PRIORITY SETTING. Putting myself first, my own health and well-being. Small mindfulness and well-being practices that I started introducing into my life, just to get my body and mind on track again!
CLARITY that there are alternatives. It took me a long time until I saw an alternative career and life for myself. Took me lots of soul searching, explorations of my values, drivers, passions. Clarity of understanding who I am and what I have to give to others.
COURAGE to take that next step I needed to. And the next one. And yes, people who rooted for me along the way!
CONFIDENCE in myself. To believe I can do that big next step. That I can succeed. Thank I can take any challenge in life.
ACTION along the way. I love the phrase: “Just do it”. But it works only when we are clear why we are doing something and when we have at least a little bit confidence that things will work out. Then we do something. We succeed, we build that confidence a bit more, so we have bigger chances to succeed the next time.
All of this was a multi year journey, but it brought me to where I am today.
I can freely say that I LOVE MY LIFE. My job is in line with my most important life drivers and values. It is completely meaningful and purposeful to me. I never wonder why am I doing this. I earn enough to live where I want to live. I travel the world. I had to adjust to uncertainty of entrepreneurial life, but I got through that too!
This is where I would like to take you too!
From the position of feeling suck in our life and not seeing the way out, to the moment where you will say that you love your life 100%.
It is possible!
Only, it is not a simple 5 step process. It requires time and dedication, but it is possible.
My clients changed their jobs, changed their geographical locations, started their own businesses and significantly improved their well-being with their life decisions… but one thing is in common for them all: where they are now is much more meaningful and purposeful to them!
This is where I would like to take you as well.
Move you from this place of feeling stuck and having no control over your own life. And take you to the place of feeling happier, more content and fulfilled with the life you are leading.