Unstuck Your Life Coaching Program
How to move from feeling stuck to feeling fulfilled and happy with your life?
The Journey:
This program is a product of my own journey of transformation that started 7 or 8 years ago.
I had just moved to London, an amazing city with so many opportunities! I worked for a great company, had a lovely little rented flat in Chiswick and on a surface everything looked perfect!
But under the surface, so many things did not work well. I worked hard, far too many hours to have anything other than work in my life. I was under a lot of stress. But the thing what was making me most confused was the fact that I was just not happy. One of the thoughts that kept coming to my mind was: There must be more to life than this? Life should be happier, more fulfilled?
I felt stuck. In my job, thinking that this current job was the only thing I knew how to do, the only thing that I was successful at. I could not see any alternative.
I felt stuck with money. How do I afford to live in London unless I have a highly paid corporate job? Becoming an entrepreneur was just financially not an option!
Yes, I felt stuck with my sense of career purpose. And again, my job was picture perfect. But I just did not feel happy doing it any more, not fulfilled. Sales, shares, growth just could not keep me motivated. I wanted something more from my career, something more purposeful.
And yes, because all of this I felt stuck even with my health and well-being. Too many hours, stress and bad eating habits, I was getting sick more and more often. Combined with some family problems, it all resulted in a very low period of my life.
When I look back to it, I think the key feeling was: I felt that I had no power to change the circumstances of my life. I felt that I did not see a way forward. I could not see an alternative life and alternative career for myself. I felt stuck and did not see a way out of that feeling.
This is where my journey started…
And this is what I learned along the way:
Getting yourself OUT OF STUCK mode requires a few things to align:
PRIORITY SETTING. Putting myself first, my own health and well-being. Small mindfulness and well-being practices that I started introducing into my life, just to get my body and mind on track again!
CLARITY that there are alternatives. It took me a long time until I saw an alternative career and life for myself. Took me lots of soul searching, explorations of my values, drivers, passions. Clarity of understanding who I am and what I have to give to others.
COURAGE to take that next step I needed to. And the next one. And yes, people who rooted for me along the way!
CONFIDENCE in myself. To believe I can do that big next step. That I can succeed. Thank I can take any challenge in life.
ACTION along the way. I love the phrase: “Just do it”. But it works only when we are clear why we are doing something and when we have at least a little bit confidence that things will work out. Then we do something. We succeed, we build that confidence a bit more, so we have bigger chances to succeed the next time.
All of this was a multi year journey, but it brought me to where I am today.
I can freely say that I LOVE MY LIFE. My job is in line with my most important life drivers and values. It is completely meaningful and purposeful to me. I never wonder why am I doing this. I earn enough to live where I want to live. I travel the world. I had to adjust to uncertainty of entrepreneurial life, but I got through that too!
This is where I would like to take you too!
From the position of feeling suck in our life and not seeing the way out, to the moment where you will say that you love your life 100%.
It is possible!
Only, it is not a simple 5 step process. It requires time and dedication, but it is possible.
My clients changed their jobs, changed their geographical locations, started their own businesses and significantly improved their well-being with their life decisions… but one thing is in common for them all: where they are now is much more meaningful and purposeful to them!
This is where I would like to take you as well.
Move you from this place of feeling stuck and having no control over your own life. And take you to the place of feeling happier, more content and fulfilled with the life you are leading.
How does the program work:
This is an individual one to one coaching program, that will also include some exercises, self work and self reflections.
We start by getting to know each other, talking about you and where you feel stuck in your own life.
This is our first confidential discovery session, and it is completely free! On that session we define some of your goals and I will tell you how I can help you move closer to them.
And we take it from there. We agree on our next coaching sessions and how to adjust them to our needs.
Are you ready to move away from feeling stuck to feeling fulfilled and happy with your life?
If yes, schedule your free discovery call here: